Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Garden Work Days

 It is time to get our Community Garden ready for the growing season. We have two volunteer workdays scheduled each month. Please join us! While we work, Sarah or other gardeners, can answer your gardening questions and offer suggestions about what to plant and do in your own gardens. 

March 24, 10:00 - 12:00 We will work on weeding common areas/paths and clearing out abandoned garden plots for new gardeners. 

April 13, 10:00 - 12:00 We will work on getting the harvest donation garden plots ready for planting and work on weeding paths. 

April 27, 10:00 Garden Kick-Off Party! Come celebrate the garden and get ready for summer gardening. Everyone is invited. We will have refreshments, a plant and seed giveaway, and Sarah will give a short talk on how to set your garden up for success and then allow lots of time to answer your gardening questions. 

Other workdays this spring into summer will be spent spreading wood chips on our paths and replacing rotten wood plot edging. Check back for updates. 

NOTE: Workdays will be postponed if there is steady rain, the ground is frozen, or if there is extreme heat or poor air quality. Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy closed-toe shoes. 

Summer dreaming!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Spring will be here in a few months; it is time to plan for your garden!

 Registration for garden plots is open! If you live in the Hector Campbell Neighborhood, or in another Milwaukie neighborhood and want to garden with us, please go to our Rent a Garden Page and fill out the registration form. 

Check out or Calendar Page for dates of upcoming workdays (starting in February) for opportunities to volunteer. And save the date for our Garden Kick-Off Party on April 27th. 

Look what you can grow in a community garden!