Campbell Community Garden
Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use the garden?
  • Gardeners who pay the yearly rental fee (scholarships may be available) and who agree to abide by the rules of the garden, and who volunteer in the garden at least 4 hours per season.
  • Hector Campbell Neighborhood members will be given first chance to reserve a plot, after that the registration will be opened up to all Milwaukie residents.
  • The garden is fenced, and has locked gates; only plot renters and their guests will be allowed access into the garden.
How many people will use the garden? And how will those users affect the neighbors living near by and student using the school if it should re-open?
  • There are 28 rentable plots of varying sizes, with anywhere from a single gardener or a family tending one plot. Other than limited volunteer work-party events, we don’t expect there to be a lot of gardeners in the garden at any one time.
  • The gardeners are expected to be courteous of the surrounding homes, and won’t be in the garden after dark/before dawn. If they are tending their garden in the early morning, they will be expected to be very quiet. Power tools will be rarely used. If problems arise, the contact information for the garden managers will be clearly posted on the fence of the garden.
  • The garden can be accessed by the walking path from SE Adams Street, so if/when the school re-opens gardeners would be able to get to the garden with out walking across the school grounds
How is the garden funded?
  • The initial construction and development was by funded by grants and donations.
  • Yearly plot rental fees will cover most needs of the garden; some additional fundraising is also expected. Our goal is for the garden to be financially self-sustaining.
What size plots are available and how much will it cost to rent one?
  • Plots range from about 50 to 200 square feet. Smaller plots are good for gardeners who want to commit a limited amount of time to tending and harvesting, while the larger plots are good for those who want to spend a lot of time in the garden.
  • Rents for plots in 2017 will be $30/small $40/medium and $55/large.
Is the garden organic?
  • Campbell gardeners use organic and natural gardening techniques.
  • No synthetic fertilizers or pesticides are allowed
  • No herbicides (including organic) are allowed
  • No synthetic pesticides are allowed, and most organic pesticides are not allowed
  • Campbell gardeners manage pests by hand weeding, mulching, physical removal of insect pests, and encouraging the proliferation of beneficial insects.
When was the garden built?
  • Construction started the end of April, 2012
  • The first day of planting was June 1, 2012
Last updated: 2/7/2017

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